Digital Accelerator

Post Course Support

When you have finished your Digital Accelerator bootcamp, your contact with us doesn't end. We will stay in touch for 6 months after and you can access tools from the bootcamp and contact the office team at any time.

We can help you build on your digital transformation plans as time goes on and we aim to ensure you secure extra work as a result of our bootcamp.


Who is eligible to apply for the bootcamp?

Applicants must be at least 19 years old and have a registered address in eligible regions.

How much does the bootcamp cost?

The bootcamp is government funded so it’s completely free, with no hidden fees or charges.

What can I expect from the course?

Weekly "Platform Deep Dive": In-depth exploration of a featured technology platform

"Tech Integration" sessions: Focusing on connecting various platforms for streamlined operations

Peer learning opportunities: Small group discussions on platform experiences and best practices

Implementation time: Dedicated time each week to apply learnings directly to your business and document in Notion

What is required from students during the course?

Students need to commit to 2.5 days per week for 12 weeks and complete weekly projects. Proactive participation is essential to get the most out of the program.

What kind of assessments are included in the bootcamp?

Learners will be given opportunities to evidence skills learnt during the sessions. This can take the form of Zoom quizzes, questionnaires, self-marking quizzes, or peer and trainer assessments of practical work. Each session will contain at least one kind of activity to test their knowledge of the session.

Will I receive support after the course ends?

Yes! You'll join a Circle community of students and alumni for ongoing networking and support. Plus, you'll have access to resources and templates to continue your growth.